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Board of School Education Delhi


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Examination Guidelines


  • The examination papers, including any unused scripts, must be placed in the plastic envelope(s) supplied, bearing the address of Board’s Head Quarters.
  • Invigilators must ensure the attendance sheet is complete with the required details and that the attendance list has been fully completed with all absences noted.
  • The School/AC must complete the Supervisor’s report and enclose the whole document with the question papers, a completed Returned exam papers log and any answer sheets in the envelope(s).
  • Envelopes must be sealed with the supervisor’s signature written across the seal.
  • The examination papers and paperwork must be returned to Board’s Head Quarters, within three days after Exams.
  • If there is any delay the Controller of Examination at Board must be contacted immediately. Failure to do so may result in the papers being voided.
  • The Centre Representative is responsible for checking that there are the correct numbers of papers per level.
  • The Regional Head should prepare the Gazette properly for each and every student after declaration of results.


  • No candidate may leave the room in the first 30 minutes, or during the last 15 minutes of their examination.
  • After the examination has been in progress for 15 minutes, no students can enter in examination hall.
  • Verify the identity of candidates by checking their Admit Card/Hall Tickets and after that which should be placed on the top right hand corner of the desk.
  • If no photo ID is provided, please record this on the attendance list.
  • Lack of a suitable form of ID will prevent the candidate from completing the examination.
  • After the examination has been in progress for 30 minutes, ensure that missing candidates are recorded on the attendance sheet by writing there absent. Please take care to update the attendance sheet to include any late-comers and any additional candidates.
  • Exercise surveillance at all times. At no time should candidates be left unsupervised in an exam hall.
  • Do not allow a candidate to leave and return to the examination unless supervised by an invigilator while absent.
  • Do not permit a candidate to communicate with anyone other than an invigilator during the course of the examination without permission.
  • Your task is to invigilate the exam. During the exam, you must not read, use a laptop or work on your own projects in any format.
  • You should ensure that you regularly walk around the room and attend promptly to students with raised hands. If you have to communicate with another invigilator, please do so very quietly or leave the room if this is possible.


  • One or Two invigilator is required to be present in every examination room. In rooms with more than 25 candidates, there must be one invigilator for every 25 candidates.
  • Where examinations take place in separate classrooms, there must be some invigilators available outside the rooms in case an invigilator inside a room needs assistance.
  • Question papers must not be released to the supervisor/invigilator more than 30 minutes before the start of the exam.
  • Bags and other belongings must be left either outside the examination room or placed in a secure area.
  • Candidates must ensure that mobile phones and all other electronic equipment are switched off and left in the secure area. If a candidate is found in possession of a mobile phone, they will be required to leave the Examination room and must not be readmitted.
  • When all papers have been distributed, the supervisor must tell candidates to read the front cover, check that they have received the correct paper for their examination and fill in the details required.
  • The supervisor/invigilator must remind candidates of the rules regarding leaving the room, cheating or communicating with other candidates once the exam has started.
  • Take the question paper (and answer sheets if relevant) from the candidate, ensuring that each candidate has completed their details, including name, candidate number, centre number and date of exam.
  • Collect any spare question papers and answer sheets if relevant. Candidates can leave the examination room once all examinations scripts have been counted.
  • As some exams may still be in progress, supervisors/invigilators may be required to supervise leaving candidates to ensure that remaining candidates are not disturbed.
  • You must arrive at the Examination Room at least 30 minutes before the start of the examination and sign in on arrival.
  • Invigilators are jointly responsible for all the papers being examined not just papers from their own school and must stay for the duration of the longest paper.
  • Invigilators are responsible for all procedures in the exam hall, including script collection, exam paper queries and reading out any instructions and announcements.
  • Please read the instructions carefully and ensure you also familiarize yourself with the
  • ‘Emergency procedures’ and ‘Responsibilities of the Invigilator’ document.
  • Students are admitted into the exam hall 10-15 minutes before the start of the exam.
  • Ensure that all bags and other personal belongings are deposited in the designated area.
  • One or two invigilators should be stationed at the entrance to ensure that bags are not blocking exits and that no one leaves the room once they have entered.
  • Mobile telephones or other electronic devices must be switched off and put into a bag.
  • If the student does not have a bag, the phone should be placed in a box at the front of the hall.


  • Students should reach the examination centre before 15 minutes and take seat showing the admission card.
  • The Admit Card/Hall Ticket is must.
  • Without the Admit Card/Hall Ticket entry will not be given to the student.
  • Entrance to examination hall will not be allowed after 30 minutes after the start of examination.
  • Students should bring only pen with them, OMR Sheets will be supplied in the examination hall.
  • Students should not keep any book/notebook/Mobile with them during the examination otherwise Invigilator in charge can disallow the student from the examination.
  • Student should obey the orders and rules of examination. If any student found breaking the rules, the Invigilator has the right to disallow the student from the examination.
  • In case of doubt Invigilator can interrogate the student’s personal search.
  • On demand students should show the admit card to the invigilator.
  • Students should sign the attendance sheet daily.


Secondary level (Class X)

Senior Secondary level (Class XII)

Dual Enrollment & Part Admission

Validity of the Academic Certificates

Secondary, Senior Secondary Certificates, or other academic distinctions awarded by the Board shall be recognized for the purpose of further education in other State Secondary / Senior Secondary Boards or Universities and higher learning Institutes, provided it has been awarded as per the Statutes and Regulations of the Board.

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